Herb School
My adventures to learning Chinese Herbs I have been now studying Chinese herbs for 1 1/2 yrs. I have 6 months before I finish and then I sit for the national boards to get a certificate to show I am competent in herbal therapy. We ( the whole class) started learning properties of single herbs used in the main stream of Chinese herbology for the 1st years. Now we are in our 2nd yr. and finishing up the big Formulas study book this up coming weekend. We have done testing every month for the past 1 1/2 yrs. This has been intense. This upcoming test will be on phlegm and damp in general. I have a Thesis due around May and it has to be 10 pgs. Double spaced. I picked the topic Colitis/Crohn's. I see a lot people with gut issues in my clinic. This topic will be useful for me in helping my patients.